9 storages are available by using user storage function.
Even coagulation by contactless coagulation.
Small carbonization and almost none sticking.
Fast hemostasis, when massive bleeding.
Easy and..
Magnetic field strength: 0.4T
Forward power and Reflection power monitor output
RF-outputs for forward power coupling: >20dB±1dB at 14.85MHz; lower at lower frequency.
Maximum RF Field: 3kW
Floor mounted Carm, large range of movement, three axes.
C arm
1. Left-right lean movement: -103°~115°, Speed: 40°/s
2. Sliding movement: -55°~45°, speed: 6°/s
3. Movement of I.I.: 340mm, speed..
Advanced 24cm x 30cm full field FPD detector
High frequency 4.8kW generator you give
Brand new AEC function
High image quality with low radiation dose
More comfort and safe during examination
Normal radiography stand buckyradiography, oblique projection.
Adapt to all radiographic pracice
600 programs APR
AEC is available with optional Ion Chamber..
High field strength 0.5T, top level magnet
Two column, large span, super open design
Unique design of active shielding flat gradient coil
Patient gap 410mm
Light weight of magnet 22t
Four channel..